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General Problems
POP mail checker
Clock Synchronizer
DynamIP does not respond while it is uploading files. This is currently a problem in DynamIP v3.50 beta 3 (the FTP control is a beta version that works in synchronous mode). Wait until DynamIP has finished uploading the file.
DynamIP does not update any fields. Make sure that the file name for your template (e.g. DynamIP_.htm) and your local file (e.g. DynamIP.htm) are different! DynamIP does not work properly if these two file names are identical. If you are a GeoCities user, keep in mind that it can take quite a while before GeoCities updates your file on the web server AFTER you finished uploading (I've seen anything from a few seconds up to 40 minutes...). Other service which offers free web space and are (in my opinion) more reliable are Xoom and Tripod.
Some people have also managed to overwrite their local template with an updated file. If this has happened on your system, DynamIP is obviosly not updating any fields anymore because the dummy fields are gone. Use a backup copy of your template, or reinstall DynamIP to get back the original templates with all the dummy fields.
If only some of your fields don't get updated properly then you should verify your entries. DynamIP does not work properly if you have the exact same string for IP, last IP, DateTime, HTTP Server and FTP Server. Another potential problem is that there are some extra characters in the middle of your dummy string (e.g. your HTML editor might feel like adding some extra CR/LF in the wrong place...).
You can specify paths for both the Local File and the Remote File (e.g. C:\Program Files\DynamIP\DynamIP.htm for the local file and public_html/DynamIP.htm for the remote file). Note, however, that the remote directory must exist on your FTP server as DynamIP will not create new directories.
What the heck is the path of my remote file? This problem (and many other problems related to your FTP server) can often be resolved with the help of a proper FTP client (e.g. CuteFTP). For example, if you don't know the exact path of your remote file use your favorite FTP client and connect to your FTP server. Then go into the subdirectory where your web pages reside. Now you should be able to retrieve the correct path from your FTP client and then copy it over to DynamIP. See also below. If you are a GeoCities user, you should NOT specify any remote directories (use the file name only).
The remote path should be specified together with the remote file name, and NOT together with your FTP host. It is also not possible to specify the host name together with the path and file name in one line. Please note that in most cases, you don't need an initial slash "/" if you're uploading to a subdirectory of your root. Here's a simple example:
Field Correct (this works) Wrong (will NOT work)
RemoteHost ftp.domain.edu ftp.domain.edu/~joe/public_html
RemoteFile public_html/DynamIP.htm DynamIP.htm
If you get time-outs, FTPerrors or even crashes while uploading files, try to reduce the "traffic" while DynamIP is uploading the file (e.g. refrain from downloading e-mail, etc. at the same time) and/or increase the Timeout setting in Setup|Uploader (it can be up to 65 seconds).  You can also fiddle around with the settings of Immediate Retry on Failure and #Retries. It is unfortunately a fact that DynamIP does not work properly with some FTP servers (incompatibility problems between MSINET.OCX and the respective FTPD). If the path of the local file contains any "spaces" (e.g. as in C:\Program Files) you might want to change the path of the local file to something without any spaces (this is weird, I know, but it has worked for some people). For example, if you installed DynamIP into the default directory, then you could use the path c:\progra~1\dynamip\DynamIP_.htm.
You're not totally out of luck, though. You can either try DIPFTP Client or you can use DynamIP to update pages locally and then serve them using DIPS, another free service. Check out details about DIPS at http://postmodem.com/dips-admin/. The method of serving files locally is described here.
DynamIP connects to the FTP server and gets authenticated, but then it just sits there displaying "uploading...". Most likely you misspelled the entry in Remote File. Remember that the directory must exist as DynamIP will not create directories. However, it could also be that DynamIP is not compatible with your FTPD. See above for alternative methods of posting your IP address.
If you don't like the HTML format for the HTTP/FTP server entries you can make use of the fact that DynamIP will replace multiple instances of the IP Dummy with your current IP address. Simply write something like ... HTTP Server at <NOT.ON.LINE.NOW> ... in your local file and DynamIP will automatically insert your IP address (obviously you would have to uncheck the options HTTP Server and FTP Server). Note that with this method your entries will NOT be in HTML format and hence not clickable in your web browser. However, you can also create your own clickable links, for example by inserting the following HTML code into your template:
  <A HREF="HTTP://NOT.ON.LINE.NOW">my Server</A>
DynamIP will automatically update the above link with your IP address.
I get the message "LocalFile NOT found" but I'm positive the file exists. Probably your upload file is too big. It might not be such a good idea anyway to let DynamIP handle your huge files (like your mega home page): if anything goes wrong with your "going ONline" or "going OFFline" processes your visitors will miss out on a lot of information. It is a good idea to keep the files that DynamIP is supposed to upload small.
DynamIP uploads the file but then the file permissions are all screwed up. Try to uncheck the DEL box next to the Remote File entry in Setup|Uploader. When this box is unchecked DynamIP will overwrite the old remote file (assuming the FTP server does not mind...) which should preserve your old file permissions. You can also try DIPFTP Client (includes source) so that you can experiment yourself with your FTPD.
If you are running your own web server on your local machine, there is no need to also run an FTP server so that DynamIP can upload files to your local machine. DynamIP is capable of writing the updated file directly into any directory on your local machine. Check out the details of how this is done in Setup|Uploader and on the page Advanced WEBchat. This method is especially useful in connection with our DIPS service.

If you encountered and solved a problem not mentioned here please drop me a line so that I can add your solution to the above list. Thanks.

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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